Company profile
Efimob is an electrical mobility business in rapid growth specialised in electro-mobility solutions as well as charging infrastructure deployment and operations for private and public sectors. Efimob operates in several markets.
1. Initial analysis
Efimob was growing month by month and hiring new people on a regular basis. Their ways of working were continuously adapting and although the work was getting done they recognised some shortcomings and felt they needed a bit more structure to allow them to continue growing in a sustained manner.

Pedro Rodriguez, CEO
“New people had joined the company as we were growing a lot. We were a bit disorganised and we did not have any clear methodologies defined for managing our projects and operations. There were people with different levels of knowledge and also teams with different needs. Everything was working well but we could see that it was not sustainable in the long run. We wanted to harmonise knowledge and introduce good practices across the business that would allow us to sustain our growth”
Why did you hire Pablo?
I had worked with Pablo one on one and he made me think! And then re-think again some ideas that were in my mind. I found it very valuable so I thought about giving it a go to do the same with the whole team. And I am very pleased with the results we got.
2. Intervention
The intervention in Efimob followed these steps:
- Initial analysis – Current situation
- Interviews with employees and management to identify current situation, issues, strengths and areas for improvement
- Reporting back to management and drafting of action plan together
- Action plan – Team
- Training and workshops delivered:
- Agile methodologies and possible uses at Efimob
- Business Improvement and Customer Focus workshop
- Action plan – Management
- Coaching CEO, clearing of blockages, define leadership team action plan
- Coaching CEO, clearing of blockages, define leadership team action plan
- Support and Follow-up
- Supporting leadership team through the changes
- Supporting employees with the shifts after the workshops
- Follow up and support leadership team with the overall plan implementation

Pedro Rodriguez, CEO
“Pablo did a very thorough work. He followed a methodology and interviewed everyone in the company one by one. He got to know how we operated and identified what we really needed, which was a bit different to what I thought.
He shared the conclusions and together we drafted a plan of action including some training and workshops delivered by him and also some internal work that we had to do. You could tell that he was always well prepared and had thought things through.
He was friendly while sharing his point of view. This helped me to be more open and consider new ideas.”
The workshop was very interesting, I liked it very much. He created a trusting environment so we could share honest feedback among ourselves and about the business. Many things came up from it, some good, some to improve. It helped me change my mind on some topics.”
We gave ourselves space and time to think and share, with games and activities. It was so much more productive than just a personal interview and much more collaborative. Things surfaced that were not visible with our individual interviews and it was more time efficient as we had dedicated much more time to 1-1 interviews ourselves!”
3. Results
We took some time to design the new organisation, ready for growth, and introduced it to the people who were very pleased. Now we have a structure ready for our future“
“Now we also create more documentation, a bit more paperwork and we have more processes but without this our growth would have been hindered.
The workshops helped change habits like the fact that creating a process can be fun, because we see the application and benefit. Since Pablo’s workshops some positive habits became routine in our business.”
“The Agile part was like a snowball. We designed some techniques in the workshop and then employees started investigating, tweaking, adjusting everything to fit exactly our needs.
We redesigned the way we tracked projects which was key for our success in the coming months”
“I now have much better clarity of project status. We have tripled the number of projects. You cannot manage this without a method like the one we designed after the workshop”
“2-3 months after working with Pablo we had a peak of work. The number of concurrent projects tripled. We tripled our capacity to deliver without hiring anyone. And we delivered better results. Without stress! Everyone knew what they had to do. There was no sense of lack of control.
Had we not implemented these changes it would have been a mess and projects would have been delivered late”
“Now finance know exactly when to invoice customers! This is key and it was not happening before. We had processes but they didn’t really work. Now we have much better management of the cash-flow and revenue projections. The coordination between finance and technical departments has improved a lot”
“If one client suddenly awards you 20 projects and you don’t deliver… you are not going to get 20 projects again. The opposite has happened to us. One client, after receiving very good service from us, has asked us to manage all of their charging points to avoid managing more suppliers, because they know we can manage it. We impressed them!“
“This ability to adapt to change, which is so important, is much easier when you have clarity. And when a client changes their mind three times… well… we now manage it without stress. Without creating a crisis, and clients are more satisfied”
“I now have tranquillity knowing that everything is under control. That everyone knows what needs to be done and that they are doing it”
Return on Investment

We managed to deliver 3 times more projects than before with the same number of people.
Maybe we saved 3% or 5% in project costs due to less mistakes. This is only counting the following months during our peak. The savings would stretch further in time.
Due to us making less mistakes we also kept our partners happy as their costs decreased. This further decreases our costs moving forward which means more revenue.
Plus we can now send non-technical people to perform some field tasks. Even contractors. This saves us additional time and money.
We saved money and impressed our clients and partners. This is very important.
Clients were very happy with our performance. They appreciated being kept updated on progress and there were less mistakes on our side. One client even awarded us a bigger contract to avoid issues handling worse performing suppliers.
We tripled our capacity to deliver, without hiring new people, doing it better and without stress. Wow!
We wanted to set up a structure that allowed us to grow and improve. We achieved it and we continue being very flexible. This is key. People use all the new processes put in place because they see they are useful.
“I realise that the invested time has been ridiculous compared to the benefits. The cost-benefit, at least in our case, has been totally worth it“
The only problem we faced after the changes was that there was not enough wall space in our office to track all our new projects. We had to review the H&S regulations to move some fire extinguishers to allow for more empty wall space! We will soon need to move to a bigger office
4. Testimonials

“Pablo is a dynamic person who transmits messages with ease. He connects well with participants in his workshops.
He has helped our team and myself in particular to see some deficiencies in our internal processes. Together with him we started to make small corrections that have minimised the number of mistakes.
The time invested was of high value and I am looking forward to working together again. Thank you Pablo for your effort and passion in every minute working with us.
Manel Gamiz, Director

My greatest satisfaction is that Efimob were able to manage three times more projects than before with the same resources. They did not get stressed out and management trusted the team. At the same time they reduced work for their contractors (which helps keep future work quotations low) and increased client satisfaction due to better communication, engagement and on-time deliveries (which has already secured future business).
They did excellent work, created no unnecessary stress, and developed superb communication with clients and between departments.
Kudos to everyone at Efimob for the great work!
Pablo Fraile, Change Management Consultant